Sick of Dating Apps? TikTok Suggests "White Nail Theory"

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An inventive new trend seems to emerge on social media platforms like TikTok every day. Fans of manicures may have recently noticed the mysterious "white nail theory" popping up on their "For You" pages. We were colored with intrigue, so we sought out experts to explain the meaning of white nails.

The white nail theory isn't the zaniest nail polish trend to go viral on social media (we're looking at you, fluffy nails.) It's also not the first nail color theory to inspire a frenzy: in the past year, people have flooded TikTok with videos on the red nail theory and the blue nail theory. Each iteration has sparked a conversation about how people express themselves and their relationship status. Keep reading to learn about the uniquely bespoke aspects of white nail theory.

Experts Featured in This Article

Stanley Nolan is a cosmetologist and beauty education specialist for Ogle School in Texas.

Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., FTOS, FASMBS-IH, is a clinical psychologist based in New York City.

What Is the White Nail Theory?

Here's the thing about the white nail theory: there's not one scientifically-backed meaning. "The white nail theory is fascinating because it can symbolize so many different things depending on who you ask," cosmetologist Stanley Nolan says.

With that said, social media users believe in the power of white nails to signify your relationship status. "The most popular interpretation is that white nails signal being single and ready to mingle. It's a fun, flirty symbol that people can wear." We love a subtle way to say, "I'm available," and white manicures are always chic.

To get the look, try the Essie Nail Polish in Snowy White ($10), OPI Nail Lacquer Nail Polish in Alpine Snow ($10), or, if you're feeling fancy, Dior Vernis in 007 Jasmin ($32).

Does the White Nail Theory Work?

Overall, the white nail theory is multifaceted and can facilitate conversations across generations and nail salons everywhere. Beyond the prominent bridal theme, "White has also been associated with purity, simplicity, and a naturalist aesthetic as well," says Nolan.

While some people use the color as a way to show potential suitors that they are single, others simply enjoy the crisp simplicity of the color. The significance of white nails differs depending on the person you ask — and that's the fun. "I've heard clients bring it up from both sides of the spectrum; some love leaning into the playful dating connotation, while others appreciate the classic, simple vibe it gives," says Nolan.

As tempting as it might be to convey your relationship or life status through your fresh set, ensure you're doing it for yourself. Rituals such as painting our nails should be for us and no one else, according to clinical psychologist Rachel Goldman, Ph.D. "We should do things that make us feel good. What we wear and how we present ourselves impact our mental health, and it's important to be mindful of that."

How Does Color Psychology Affect White Nail Theory?

Color psychology suggests that colors affect people psychologically in different ways, according to Dr. Goldman. "Women tend to prefer softer shades, and men tend to prefer bolder and brighter colors," she says. However, white seems to bridge the divide. "White is a fresher color, perhaps indicating new beginnings, and it affects both men and women similarly, conveying a clean slate."

It's worth noting that there are some universal associations with colors. Many people associate red with love, passion, and attraction, which explains why red nail theory posits that red nails attract men. Blue can symbolize serenity and peacefulness, and blue nail theory suggests that if you're in a relationship with a man, your partner prefers your nails to be blue. But it's important to distinguish that our feelings about particular hues are largely based on our own unique experiences. "Colors evoke different feelings in different people based on their individual experiences, personal preferences, and backgrounds," Dr. Goldman says.

Bottom Line

The white-nail trend can create a shared language, even if it's light-hearted and conversational. Plus, painting your nails is the perfect "low-stakes way to experiment with self-expression," says Nolan. "If someone wants to use them to send a message — whether to attract someone or make a bold statement about their independence — why not?"

Sydney Wingfield has been a freelance writer in the beauty and wellness space for six years. She has written for Women's Health, Marie Claire, Glamour, and other publications and loves to cover all things skin care, makeup, and hair.