What Planets Are Retrograde Right Now?

When it comes to astrological events that stir up a lot of hype, buzz, conversation, and concern, planetary retrogrades are generally at the top of the list. After all, it's not exactly uncommon for your friend to text the group chat, "What is retrograde right now?" after an awful week.

All that to say, whenever you find yourself banging your head against the wall thanks to an unexplained delay, slowdown, or wrench being thrown in a seemingly perfectly laid plan, it's likely because some planets are retrograde. (You can blame your sudden urge to text your ex on a planet retrograde, too.)

Although Mercury retrograde tends to get the most heat and attention for wreaking havoc, the messenger planet is far from the only celestial body that appears to move backward from our vantage point on Earth. Right now, there are two retrogrades happening right now: Jupiter is retrograde until February and Mars is retrograde until the end of February.

Want to know more about what planets are retrograde right now? Read on for all the dates so you can be absolutely certain of what area of life is being affected by a planetary backspin.

What Does Retrograde Mean?

Because Mercury is the fastest moving planet and celestial body closest to the sun (which represents self-image and identity in astrology), we usually feel its transits in a more apparent way than other planets. For that reason, when you hear about a retrograde coming up or happening right now, chances are the conversation is revolving around Mercury retrograde.

But all planets go retrograde at one point or another, and for each, the same thing is true: the planet will appear, from our vantage point on Earth, to be moving backward through the zodiac. When it does this, for weeks or sometimes months at a time, we're encouraged to slow down and revise our approach to the themes of that planet. We're also meant to experience the areas of life that the retrograde planet oversees in a more introspective — versus external — way.

What Planets Are Retrograde Right Now?

If you thought your life felt off lately, your instincts are correct: Jupiter is retrograde until Feb. 4 in Gemini and Mars is retrograde until Feb. 23 in Leo and Cancer. Yes, that's two different retrogrades occurring simultaneously.

During these astrological events, try not to freak out. In fact, it would be wise to address your toxic, negative and self-destructive behaviors during this chaotic time before it could make these astronomical events feel even worse. Godspeed!

Mercury Retrograde 2025 Dates

When Mercury, the information-gathering planet, is retrograde, expect delays related to communication, transportation, and technology. These three-week periods, which occur three to four times a year, are opportunities for self-reflection, research, and revision in whichever house of your birth chart Mercury is moving backward through.

Here are the Mercury Retrograde dates in 2025:

Venus Retrograde 2025 Dates

Venus, the planet of relationships, art, values, and money, goes retrograde every 18 months for about six weeks. During these periods, you're usually challenged to reflect on and tie up loose ends related to romance, earning, and your perception of beauty.

Here are the Venus retrograde dates in 2025:

  • March 1 to April 12 in Aries and Pisces

Mars Retrograde 2025 Dates

Every two years for about two to two-and-a-half months, Mars, the planet of action, energy, sex, and aggression, goes retrograde, slowing down your ability to build momentum, experience your libido to the fullest, get fired up, and hit the gas energetically. It's a time to reflect on passion, anger, and what fuels you.

Here are the Mars retrograde dates in 2025:

  • Dec. 6, 2024 to Feb. 23 in Leo and Cancer

Jupiter Retrograde 2025 Dates

Lucky Jupiter, the planet of abundance, fortune, and expansion, goes retrograde annually for about four months. Jupiter kicked off its retrograde in October last year, moving backward through Gemini, the mutable air sign known for being curious, research-savvy, and possessing high cerebral energy. In turn, Jupiter's backspin through the sign of the Twins will continue to fuel introspection, philosophizing, and questioning the rules associated with communication and information-gathering.

Here are the Jupiter retrograde dates in 2025:

  • Oct. 9, 2024 to Feb. 4 in Gemini
  • Nov. 11 to March 26, 2026 in Cancer

Saturn Retrograde 2025 Dates

Saturn, the taskmaster planet, which oversees limitations and commitment, is retrograde annually for about four and a half months. In 2025, it will be retrograde in fire-sign Aries and Pisces, the empathic, dreamy, artistic mutable water sign nudging you to reflect on foundations and boundaries you've set, specifically in terms of your spirituality, creativity, and self-healing. You'll have an opportunity to think about why you've set them, what you've accomplished and why, and possibly to edit your approach.

Here are the Saturn retrograde dates in 2025:

  • July 13 to Nov. 27 in Aries and Pisces

Uranus Retrograde 2025 Dates

Uranus, the planet of rebellion, sudden change, and innovation, is retrograde annually for about five months. This year, it continued to move backward through Taurus, the fixed earth sign known for being slow and steady, stubborn, and deeply sensual, until late January. But, come September, Uranus will go retrograde again in Gemini and Taurus until 2026.

Here are the Uranus retrograde dates in 2025:

  • Sept. 1, 2024 to Jan. 30 in Taurus
  • Sept. 6 to Feb. 3, 2026 in Gemini and Taurus

Neptune Retrograde 2025 Dates

Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusion, and spirituality, goes retrograde every year for five to six months. In 2025, it will be retrograde through Aries, a fire sign, and Pisces, the artistic, deeply compassionate, and escapist mutable water sign. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, so the two energies go hand-in-hand, and in turn, you may have felt inspired to revise whatever inspires you artistically and fuels you spiritually. This was also an advantageous period for keeping a dream journal or diving into self-work.

Here are the Neptune retrograde dates in 2025:

  • July 4 to Dec. 10 in Aries and Pisces

Pluto Retrograde 2025 Dates

Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, power, control, and rebirth, goes retrograde once a year for five to six months. In 2025, it will be retrograde in fixed air sign Aquarius, which is noteworthy because it moves very slowly and spends anywhere from 12 to 30 years in a sign.

Here are the Pluto retrograde dates in 2025:

  • May 4 to Oct. 13 in Aquarius

Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that's both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to PS, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.