The Best Valentine's Day Date Idea For You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Valentine's Day is on a Friday this year, which is the perfect excuse to celebrate with some special plans. There are so many romantic, adventurous, and chill Valentine's Day date ideas to choose from to show a little love — whether it's to your partner or yourself — but narrowing it down can be hard. Why not rely on your zodiac sign to tell you the perfect date idea for Feb. 14, regardless of your relationship status?

To help you plan, PS spoke with astrologer Leslie Hale about the best Valentine's day date ideas for every zodiac sign. Keep reading for fun date ideas for those of you who are coupled up or are single. And for the full picture of your love life this year, be sure to read your zodiac sign's sex horoscope, too — it may come in handy Feb. 14.

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Leslie Hale is a psychic astrologer at Keen, a website offering reliable online astrology readings based on your birth chart.

Aries Valentine's Day Date Ideas (March 21-April 19)
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Aries Valentine's Day Date Ideas (March 21-April 19)

OK, Aries, we know you like to mingle and do not shy away from action.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: The most important thing for you is to feel like your significant other has gone the extra mile to make you happy. "An Aries would like something epic," Hale says. "It doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, but it should feel epic, like a destination trip. It isn't so much about expense as it is the thrill of it. Sporting events, concerts, horseback riding — I think they would like these things."

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: Let's be real, Aries — you like to be pampered. Hale suggests treating yourself to "a day spa, the hair salon for a new look, or a new restaurant and bar." And it doesn't matter if you do these things alone or with friends, because "you can always make friends wherever you go."

Taurus Valentine's Day Date Ideas (April 20-May 20)
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Taurus Valentine's Day Date Ideas (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, you're ruled by Venus, so you enjoy beauty and luxury. "They like the finer things," Hale says. "You might say the tangible side of romance."

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: You are a very sensual sign and enjoy material things, so flowers, wine, chocolates, or a gift from your significant other would make you happy. "A couples massage would also be a perfect gift for a Taurus," Hale adds.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: If you're single, you can (and should!) also enjoy things like a massage, a walk or hike in nature, or a bubble bath. "Anything that's indulgent that they don't normally do would suit a Taurus," Hale says. In other words, treat yourself!

Gemini Valentine's Day Date Ideas (May 21-June 20)
Getty | Thomas Barwick

Gemini Valentine's Day Date Ideas (May 21-June 20)

Geminis love to talk, socialize, and use their intellect, so a little surprise is perfect for you on Valentine's Day, Hale says.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "They can be very changeable, but any type of activity that puts them around people would work, such as a comedy club," Hale suggests.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: If you're a single Gemini, you should hit up some bookstores, go to a movie, or enjoy a night out with friends. "Just pick a spur-of-the-moment destination — something that appeals to you," she says.

Cancer Valentine's Day Date Ideas (June 21-July 22)
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Cancer Valentine's Day Date Ideas (June 21-July 22)

Good news, Cancers: you don't always have to leave home to enjoy yourself. "The most important thing for a Cancer is quality time," Hale says, adding that the perfect spot to do this is in your own space.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "An ideal date for a Cancer would be a home-cooked meal," Hale says. "Or you could pick up a special meal or order in." Oh, and some flowers also wouldn't hurt.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: On Valentine's Day, hanging out with your best friends, going to the movies, or hitting up an antique shop (because we all know you're connected with the past) would be perfect, Hale says.

Leo Valentine's Day Date Ideas (July 23-Aug. 22)
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Leo Valentine's Day Date Ideas (July 23-Aug. 22)

The most important thing about you, Leo, is that you thrive in situations where you feel special. "They like to feel like royalty," Hale says.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: You would enjoy going anywhere where you stand out and shine. "They like to dress up, and it's important that they look good," Hale says. "But, most importantly, they would love something that will come across as a grand gesture." This, again, doesn't mean expensive, just something that really stands out so they feel like their significant other is making them the center of attention. An idea? "Leos like jewelry," Hale adds.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: It doesn't matter if you're single or not, you like to feel special and be pampered by others. "Go to a spa or get mani-pedis," Hale suggests. "You can even go to a singles group event or a karaoke bar."

Virgo Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Virgo Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Oh, Virgo, you're pretty low-key, which makes it easier to please you.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "Virgos like planning," Hale says, and that includes something being planned specifically for them. "A good meal at a restaurant will suit a Virgo as long as it's not last minute," she adds.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: Because you are very practical and like organization, Hale suggests buying a little something for yourself to support this, like "a piece of furniture, to make their home more comfortable." But if you don't want to do that, it's always a good idea to "visit your local bookstore or to have a relaxing evening at home with friends."

Libra Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
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Libra Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Libras, since you're ruled by Venus, you are the ultimate romantic.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "The most important things to Libras are beauty, attractiveness, and serenity," Hale explains. "Libras love flowers, jewelry, or just a beautiful place with a nice view." Booking a staycation at a local hotel for the night or surprising your parter with something nice they've had their eye on will make them swoon.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: You are social and like to keep things light, so a casual meetup with friends at happy hour would be perfect, Hale says. As far as gifts for yourself, she says: "Even a lunch or just a small purchase would be nice, as long as it's something attractive."

Scorpio Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Getty | Thomas Barwick

Scorpio Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpios are passionate, so all you really want is "a connection on a very deep level," Hale says.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "Scorpios want to feel like you've thought deeply about what they would like," Hale explains. "Beautiful lingerie, wine bars, or spending the night at a bed and breakfast would appeal to a Scorpio."

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: You're hard to get to know when meeting new people, so "a single Scorpio would love a get-together with their inner circle," she says. "They like mysteries and deep topics, so a reading by a medium or a psychic would also suit them."

Sagittarius Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
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Sagittarius Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, you're always looking for a new adventure.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "They like the unexpected, so do something adventurous you wouldn't normally do, such as short trips or an outdoor activity," Hale says. "An escape room would suit a Sagittarius!"

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: Go somewhere new and different with friends, either for a few hours or the whole weekend. "Spur-of-the-moment decisions are a good thing with a Sagittarius," she adds.

Capricorn Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Getty | Tim Robberts

Capricorn Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Capricorns, you can be pessimistic at times and don't always like to spend money, but V-Day can be an exception.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: "The most important thing for a Capricorn would be to do something that shows your commitment to them," Hale says. "They're not really into frivolity, and they're easy to please as long as they feel that you're showing your commitment. That's the most important thing." Try a bonding activity at home, or start a new show together.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: "Since you're usually more interested in saving than spending, treat yourself and splurge on something you've been wanting," Hale continues. You deserve it!

Aquarius Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Jan. 21-Feb. 20)
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Aquarius Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Jan. 21-Feb. 20)

Aquarius, you like things to be outside the box and different. You like to make light and upbeat plans, probably because "Valentine's Day might not even be that important to you as it is to other people," Hale says.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: According to Hale, Aquarians like facts, so going to a lecture or trivia night would be a perfect Valentine's Day date night.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: Because you like to keep things light and happy, Aquarius, try going to a new workout or meditation class.

Pisces Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Feb. 19-March 20)
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Pisces Valentine's Day Date Ideas (Feb. 19-March 20)

Valentine's Day might be the most important to you, Pisces, because you're a hopeless romantic.

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Couples: Pisces are generally "very sensitive and don't really like crowds," Hale says. "A beautiful romantic card that expresses your feelings or a small gift would be ideal for a Pisces. The most important thing is romance."

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Singles: "Pisces are associated with water," Hale explains. "So a solo walk on the beach or a trip to the water somewhere is your cup of tea." She adds, "Pisces are also very intuitive, so a visit to a planetarium would be a great thing for a single Pisces. They can just gaze at the stars."

Balim Tezel is a former PS contributor.