Bruja Tarotscopes: February Tarot Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign
We begin the month with two planets turning direct out of their retrograde transits; both Uranus and Jupiter bring a sense of calmness for the winter months. Mars is still retrograde in Cancer at the start of the month, wreaking emotional havoc. This is the time to clean out the corners of your psyche, in order to flush stagnant feelings that you've been harboring from ghosts of the past. You could definitely feel highly sensitive this month, and extremely empathetic. Consider the ample strings of synchronicities a manifestation of this transit, helping you redirect your focus towards more productive ways to sit with the alchemy of negative emotional undercurrents.
The flamboyant Leo full moon marks the peak of Aquarius season on Feb. 12. This will act as a cathartic lunar phase thanks to its ability to help you make sense of everything you've been feeling since the start of Mars retrograde back on Dec. 6, 2024. Consider prioritizing fire magic rituals such as working with candles to release and shed light into new ways you can prioritize your creativity and courage. You can purchase an orange or yellow candle and dedicate it towards what you want to bring to an end or need closure about.
To close out the month, Mars will finally turn direct on Feb. 23. The end of the month will pick up the pace thanks to Mars providing momentum and focus in areas that might've felt stagnant. Anywhere you practiced patience since the beginning of Mars's retrograde back in December is guaranteed to give you major payoffs.
Now what does your tarotscope have in store for you? Tarotscopes merge the divination tools of tarot and astrology horoscopes based on your zodiac sign to provide you with a magical fusion of forecasting. Read on for your sun sign and rising sign to learn what February's tarot reading has in store for you.
Tarot Card of the Month: 3 of Wands
The overall tarot card pull for the general collective is the three of wands. You could feel like taking a step back from a specific situation this month in order to organize your next best steps. Space is needed at this time in order for you to access a higher perspective in regard to concerning matters. On a more positive note, you could finally see your efforts pay off in your career and health. This card is usually labeled as a representation of "your ships finally coming in" —meaning you reap what you sow. At times, perseverance can seem daunting, but it's the vehicle propelling your manifestations forward. It's time to move onward and forward.
Aries Tarot Card
February: 4 of Cups
As one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac, you enjoy living in a continuous state of attainment. Sometimes, focusing on contentment and gratitude is the biggest form of joy. However, this month might feel lackluster, and you could notice boredom won't stop bothering you. This is a month where you might find your energy is best spent meditating, reflecting, and focusing on how you've grown instead of where you might have fallen short. It's a month of hibernation for you.
Taurus Tarot Card
February: High Priestess Reversed
You could navigate the month from a distorted perspective due to a lack of trusting your intuitive voice. Things might feel uncertain at this time. To push through this doubt and fear, the Universe asks you to connect with your inner voice and ancestors. Ask for support from the supernatural. When we doubt the nudge of our intuition, it's likely stemming from a lack of self-belief. It's a month of blocking out the chaos and trusting your wisdom.
Gemini Tarot Card
February: Page of Cups
It's a month of excitement, celebrations, and people pouring back into you. You'll notice the month is offering much to be grateful for, as you could receive an important offer or collaboration that feels deeply aligned with your values. There's an emphasis on love and romance this month. You might notice you have a new admirer, or you could find yourself looking forward to stepping out on the dating scene. For those committed, if you're feeling the love, let it be known!
Cancer Tarot Card
February: The Fool
A boost of spontaneity is making its way to you for the month. Although it's the season of winter, you're ready to explore and invite new experiences. You could take up new hobbies or routines as well. This month it's worth initiating new projects that help you feel uplifted and inspired. You're also being perceived as fresh, youthful, and naive, but it's working in your favor. Your energy is infectious this month, and you might notice many wanting to be in your aura because it's inviting and influential.
Leo Tarot Card
February: Ace of Wands
This is a great card to receive because it usually brings action, momentum, and positive results. There could be some great progress made in areas of personal hope. This could look like finally seeing tangible results with people in your life, like receiving a promotion or witnessing your relationship head to the next level in love. Any opportunities you're met with for the month are being blessed by the universe. This is a clear green light to say yes to whatever your heart desires. Sometimes, we think things are too good to be true, and in this case, that's far from the truth.
Virgo Tarot Card
February: King of Cups
This month is stirring up some big feelings for you. You are appearing as the king of cups regardless of your gender. You might feel the need to refrain from expressing said emotions or safeguarding them because of perceived productivity as a result. This month, you're being asked to honor your feelings and allow yourself to explore them. Overall, it's a generally fulfilling month. You might meet a new romantic interest who is serious about investing in you as well.
Libra Tarot Card
February: 2 of Pentacles
This month requires you to multitask. This card appears when there is a need to bring balance into various situations. You might find yourself taking up new responsibilities, and you'll feel an awkward pressure to navigate this to the best of your ability. However, the advice is to not take on more than you can handle this month. It's a time to weigh the pros and the cons, especially if you need to make a significant decision. Additionally, it's time to focus on your finances and how to prioritize financial stability.
Scorpio Tarot Card
February: 5 of Swords
You are feeling deeply inspired to stand up for what is right this month. This might translate into a personal matter, or it could trickle into external events that matter most to you. You won't take no for an answer, and you're inspired to attain a particular outcome. This could serve against you if you operate off malice intent, Scorp. Be mindful of what your true intentions are, and cut your losses if needed.
Sagittarius Tarot Card
February: 6 of Wands
You're walking the walk and talking that talk, Sag. Could you be feeling boastful? If so, it's warranted and much needed. This month, you will feel a healthy sense of pride for your achievements or at least for the direction you're headed in. Your energy levels are high this month as well. Invest that energy into meaningful projects or relationships to capitalize on this energy. If you're met with a challenging circumstance, this card suggests you'll succeed in the end.
Capricorn Tarot Card
February: 10 of Swords
The month is shaping up to be dramatic for you. As a Saturn-ruled sign, this is your worst nightmare. You despise unnecessary drama and victim mentality. However, there's a lot happening around you to teach you where you might lack empathy or compassion. Sometimes, you're just ultra stoic, Cappy, and it's OK to open up that heart to let others in. Previous betrayals could arise for you to make amends with as a soul lesson. Ouch.
Aquarius Tarot Card
February: 9 of Wands
They say some things are worth fighting for. This month could seem long-winded, but just as you're about ready to give up on certain things, you'll catch a second wind to keep going. You're a very loyal sign, and most people aren't aware of this about Aquarius people. Sure, you're a walking contradiction, but you're a fixed sign, and when you're locked in, you're locked in to the fullest. Nice and steady wins the race this month. Your dedication to efforts that matter most will pay off soon. This isn't the month of culmination but rather determination. And so it is.
Pisces Tarot Card
February: The Sun
Oh, happy day! Pisces, this is the best card in the deck. This indicates a month filled with positivity and things coming to light. You are spiritually protected this month and you're receiving a boost of confidence along with it. Essentially, when this card appears, it indicates a yes. If you have a question, this is a green light to go after your heart's desire. Equally, it's a month of fertility, symbolically. It's time to share that idea with the world.
Esoteric Esa is a writer, astrologer, and expert in the esoteric fields. She's contributed to HipLatina, Mitú, and Cosmopolitan. Her work focuses on eliminating misconceptions around taboo subjects in Latine spirituality such as astrology, brujería, and decoloniality.