This Full-Wolf-Moon-in-Cancer Limpia Will Help You Navigate Deep Emotions

Relax, peace and coffee with a woman drinking a drink of caffeine and meditating in her home with her eyes closed. Mental health, wellness and zen with a young female enjoying calm, quiet tranquility

Are you kicking off the new year with the weight of residual holiday emotions? If yes, know that you are not alone. While some jump into the new calendar year, riding on resolutions and high off vision boards, others begin at a slower pace. With Mars in retrograde until Feb. 23, the slow may feel more like sloth slow. Mars, the planet of action, desire, and drive, takes time to lounge by the pool and soak in the sun during its retrograde. This is a good time to really get in touch with your emotions. The holidays may drum up some heavy emotions, even if you are also celebrating joy and loved ones. So, we aren't all expected to transition into our most optimistic, go-getter selves at the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1.

While Mars began its retrograde on Dec. 6 in the sign of Leo, it transitioned into the sign of Cancer as of Jan. 6. As it completes its retrograde in this watery cardinal sign, we also welcome the Cancer full moon on Jan. 13. Since full moons give us the space to shed what no longer serves us, the Mars retrograde slows things down enough for us to really take stock of our emotions. If you are prone to anxiety, overthinking, or self-doubt, you can work with the Cancer full moon to become aware of these emotions and where you feel them in your body, and then allow them to flow through you. We cannot skip over or get around our emotional selves. Instead, we must work to honor what we feel, acknowledge our emotions, and allow them to flow through you like the cleansing waves of the ocean.

When Is the 2025 Full Moon in Cancer?

The full moon in Cancer peaks on Jan. 13 at 5:26 p.m. ET. This powerful moon will illuminate the sky the evening before and after its peak. So, you'll have time to marvel at its beauty and feel its powerful energy.

What Does the 2025 Full Moon in Cancer Mean?

Cancer is the cardinal water sign, meaning it is the first water sign in the zodiac, which signifies a beginning. So, when this beautiful water sign is connected to the full moon, its a wonderful time to dive deep into the watery essence of ourselves. Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, navigating these waters may reveal illusions or hidden truths caused by one's self or another. It's also a good idea to be aware of your dreams, as the moon often speaks to us in this realm. If your swimming in uncertain waters, breathe and allow the Cancer full moon's energy to carry you to shore.

Although the cold winter temperatures can make it easy to stay under your favorite comforter wrapped up in your emotions, this isn't a time to stay quiet. The Cancer full moon is also known as the full wolf moon because wolves tend to be more active in the cold months, howling late into the night. Wolves also run in packs, so call on your closest friends to support you during this time and vice versa. You don't have to navigate these emotions alone. Tap into the moon's energy to trust your intuition more and face your fears.

Life is a mystery and we are often walking into the unknown. This is why being present is so important. It relieves us from having to figure everything out, and instead creates an inner peace that indulges in every moment where the magic exists. Call on your benevolent ancestors and spirit team when you feel like you've lost your way and your wolf pack is nowhere in sight.

What Spiritual Cleansing Prayer Goes With the Full Moon in Cancer?

Great Spirit, these emotions feel so heavy and they are difficult to carry on my own. I pray you can carry them for me. The journey has become complicated and challenging and I feel like I'm in the middle of a storm. Please help me to navigate these emotional waters to restore my strength and my faith. I turn to the moon to help me shed the things that may be causing difficult emotions. And I surrender to the will of the cosmos because I cannot see the path ahead, but I know that even if I were blindfolded, I will find my way. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So, be it.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Full Moon in Cancer?

The Chariot - Full steam ahead, this card represents the energy of a strong desire to heal and succeed.

Which Chakra Coincides With the Full Moon in Cancer?

Third Eye - To dig deep and understand the many layers of ourselves, we tap into the third eye to deepen our intuition, like Cancer does.

Spiritual Cleansing Limpia for the Full Moon in Cancer


Florida Water


Herbs: chamomile, milky oats, lemon balm

Flowers: white roses or water lilies

Crystals: moonstone, ruby, rose quartz

Essential Oils: grapefruit, lavender, rosewood, basil

Candle: white or silver


1. Begin by burning copal resin and allowing the smoke to float around your space as you invite your benevolent ancestors and your spirit team to assist in your full moon ritual. Remember to open up your windows and doors to allow the energy to flow freely throughout your space and any energy that does not belong will leave.

2. Next, bring a pot of water to a gentle simmer. Grab a handful or two of the herbs you want to use and give them a good massage before you add them to the water. This will help release the herbal energy into your limpia.

3. Allow your herbs to simmer on low for 5-to-10 minutes before removing the pot from the heat.

4. Drain your water into a big bowl and add a few splashes of Florida Water and several drops of essential oils. Mix in with a wooden spoon or, if the water has cooled enough to a temperature that feels good to you, use your hands to mix in the Florida Water and essential oils. Remember to thank the ingredients as you do so.

5. Cover the top of your limpia water with the beautiful, soft petals of the white roses or water lilies. Keep some of the flowers for your full moon altar.

6. Next, grab your candle, crystals, a vase, and the remaining flowers. Here's where you tap into your intuition by closing your eyes for a moment and asking your space where the full moon altar should be placed.

7. When you open your eyes, don't second guess yourself. Simply allow yourself to move to the area that called to you and place your flowers in a vase with some water. Surround the vase with your crystals, and light your candle at a safe distance from your flowers. You can add other things to your altar as well like photos, a list of what you need to release, or symbolic items.

8. Now, take your limpia bowl into the shower. After you physically clean your body, pray as you pour the limpia water over your body. Allow the water to flow over you, cleansing you of what you need to release.

9. Watch as the water goes down the drain, symbolizing the energetic release.

10. Afterward, you can air dry or pat your body dry with a lightly colored towel.

Zayda Rivera is a PS contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor.