How Pisces Season Will Impact Your Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer
The heart of wintertime can be incredibly sleepy, thanks to the darker, shorter days that result in a desire to take more naps and stay inside. But it's also a time that can make your imagination run wild, all thanks to Pisces season: the time of year when the sun moves through the empathic, escapist water sign.
Because Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams, illusion, and mysticism is the modern ruler of Pisces, you may feel more inclined to float in a sea of deep emotion and tune into other people's feelings throughout Pisces season. It also bears noting that the traditional ruler of Pisces is Jupiter, the planet of abundance, fortune, and expansion, so it's no surprise that Pisces season was also made for wearing rose-colored glasses and embracing your most romantic side.
In other words, any emotions you're experiencing during Pisces season get run through a dreamy, exaggerated filter, and you may be more apt to blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Pisces season is also a great time for prioritizing inner healing, though, given the compassion of Pisces, you may be tempted to focus on the well-being of others over your own.
Here's what you need to know about Pisces season 2025, including how the season will impact your zodiac sign.
What Is Pisces Season?
Lasting about 30 days annually, Pisces season is the time the sun moves through Pisces, the mutable water sign. Every year, the sun, which oversees self-image, identity, purpose, and confidence, makes its way through each of the 12 zodiac signs, spending about 30 days in each, and setting a unique tone for how you may experience the world around.
When it's Pisces season, you may be more apt to get caught up and swept away by dreams, to enjoy artistic pursuits, to learn more about metaphysical practices, to care for your psychological well-being, and to show up for your nearest and dearest by offering a hefty dose of empathy.
Pisces season is colored by the sign's modern ruler Neptune, the planet that clouds rational thought, fuels imagination, and can cause confusion. Its terrain is all things nebulous and surreal. In turn, Pisces is a deeply imaginative, magical, mystical, emotional, and complex sign. Before Neptune was discovered, however, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune, abundance, philosophy, higher learning, and adventure. This tends to reflect in the sign's big dreams and ability to tap into limitless expansion.
When Is Pisces Season?
Pisces season happens annually from approximately Feb. 18-19 to March 19-21. This year (at least in US time zones), Pisces season will be from Feb. 18 to March 20.
Pisces Season: What to Expect in 2025
Although the sun moves through Pisces annually, the moon and other planets each have their own distinctive paths throughout the sky, making for a unique astrological picture of Pisces season that is different from year to year. To say that 2025 will host an eventful Pisces season would really be an understatement. Here are a few highlights.
On Feb. 23, less than a week after Pisces season kicks off, Mars, the planet of action, energy, and sex, will end its retrograde in Cancer. This means Mars will finally move forward since kicking off its retrograde in Leo on Dec. 6. Once again, you'll be able to feel Mars' effects in a more external, apparent way, which could make for less frustration when attempting to move the ball forward on passion projects.
On Feb. 25, Mercury pairs up with Saturn in Pisces, setting the stage for successful serious conversations, research, and information-gathering — especially those related to Pisces topics, like mystical and imaginative pursuits.
Just as Mars moves forward, Venus, the planet of romance, will go retrograde on March 1 in Aries. This retrograde will require that you embrace self-reflection and inner work related to your relationships, earning strategies, values, and experience of beauty and creativity.
A lunar eclipse and worm moon in Virgo hits on March 13-14 (depending on your time zone), bringing emotional breakthroughs and game-changing shifts. Then, Mercury goes retrograde in Aries on March 14-15, moving back into Pisces, offering opportunities to go back to the drawing board, especially when it comes to competitive and spiritual undertakings.
Zodiac Signs Who Might Be Most Affected Most During Pisces Season 2025
People born with their sun in Pisces aren't the only ones who will be affected by the imaginative energy of this season. Anyone born with their sun or major planetary placements in any of the mutable signs — Gemini (mutable air), Virgo (mutable earth), Sagittarius (mutable fire), and Pisces (mutable water) — could feel the tide shifting in a dramatic way, thanks to the season's lunar eclipse and retrogrades.
How Pisces Season Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Here's what every sign can expect this Pisces season. Feel free to read the below based on your zodiac sign and/or rising sign, too.
Aries (March 20-April 19)
You love to hit the gas on your aspirations as quickly and furiously as possible, Aries. But while the confident sun moves through your 12th house of spirituality during Pisces season, downtime is easier to come by than aggressive, bold action. Make a point to check in with your imagination and tune into your intuition. Owning this dreamy vibe benefits your emotional well-being, which can actually serve you very well once your season kicks off.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
During Pisces season, while the confident sun moves through your 11th house of networking, Taurus, you'll want to feel more connected to your social circle, colleagues, friends, and community members. You'll also want to make strides toward long-term goal setting by prioritizing teamwork. Share your game plan for achieving your intentions with others, as their feedback could play a major role in finally getting you across the finish line.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Throughout Pisces season, the sun moves through your 10th house of career, Gemini, inspiring you to more boldly go after your big picture aspirations. You want to hone your sense of authority and make an impression on higher-ups now, and you'll have the wind in your sails to do so. Be sure not to shy away from opportunities to take on leadership positions or throwing your hat in the ring for advancement on the job, as this is a season for you to truly shine.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Although you generally love staying in on the couch, you'll want to spread your wings this Pisces season, since the sun moves through your ninth house of adventure and higher learning now, Cancer. Don't be surprised if you're itching for more eye-opening experiences and your typical, mundane routine feels downright dreary. Be sure to carve out time for getting in touch with your gut, then let it lead the way toward making thrilling, knowledge-bolstering game plans.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Pisces season encourages you to get closer to a significant other, loved one, or dear friend, Leo, because the sun, your ruler, is now in your eighth house of emotional bonds, intimacy, and joint resources. You may also be even more confident and fired up when sharing and pursuing your sexual desires now. Embracing vulnerability and opening up about what makes you feel most comfortable will be empowering.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Because the sun is moving through your seventh house of partnership now, Virgo, Pisces season turns your attention to your one-on-one relationships. Meditate on how you have been and want to show up for a business partner, significant other, or a close friend, then consider what they've been bringing to the table as well. If you feel like your bond could use a bit more reciprocity, it may be time to speak up or set new boundaries.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)
During Pisces season, the sun's trip through your sixth house of routine and wellness has you focused on your everyday hustle, Libra. This is also the sector of health, so if you've been wanting to check out a new workout class or set an ambitious fitness goal, now's your chance. Just be sure to consider what you might be able to cut out in order to make more space for new activities, as this season is a chance to streamline your commitments and boost your sense of balance.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Scorpio, with the sun in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, Pisces season encourages you to share your most heartfelt desires, daydreams, fantasies, and creative proposals. This can be one of the most magical times of year for you, if you're willing to be more spontaneous and lighthearted when interacting with your nearest and dearest. You could also find that you're more in tune with your artistic impulses and excited to act on imaginative ideas that pop up out of the blue.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You've been busy as the sun has rolled through your communication sector, Sag. But now, Pisces season correlates to the sun's trip through your fourth house of home life, which urges you to spend more time caring for your inner life, your domestic world, and your closest familial bonds. The best ways to take advantage of this transit is by taking walks down memory lane with loved ones, feathering your nest, and making moves that nurture your emotional healing like working with a therapist or journaling.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Although late winter generally inspires most people to stay in, wind down, and snuggle up, you're actually very much on the go during Pisces season, Capricorn. That's because the sun is in your third house of communication, which is an extremely social and buzzy zone. In turn, it could be tougher for you to fit in new plans with friends or colleagues because you're stretched so thin. You might also find road trips or other forms of short-distance travel are a focus, as is spending time with siblings, if you have them.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Your season has come to a close now, Aquarius, and your action plans for achieving big picture goals might be in motion. If you've been wanting to turn your passion projects into a payday, Pisces season is here to make that aspiration a reality, since the sun is now in your second house of income. Just be sure to double check that any goals you're pursuing are aligned with your values. This is also a lovely moment for nurturing your self-worth.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Welcome to your season, Pisces. Now that we're in Pisces season, the sun in your sign nudges you to step out of the shadows and onto center stage, sharing your most ambitious ideas and putting the pedal to the metal on goals that are close to your heart. You'll also become more aware of how you're perceived by others, and you may want to finesse your personal brand. In order to do this, check in with your inner voice and heart. Then, start speaking, writing, and researching your vision, which is sure to help make it concrete.
Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that's both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to PS, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.