Why Your Childhood Blanket Has You in a Chokehold

Don't get me wrong, I love a good dose of nostalgia — from the flipping through of old photo albums to the resurgence of frosted lips. But can holding on to the past hold us back? In the case of childhood blankies, I'm not so sure — so I asked the experts.

The childhood blanket is a right of passage. Maybe yours was hand-woven by an elder in the family or gifted to you at birth. But somehow in adulthood, you can't seem to let it go. The blanket has followed you from your kiddie bed to your first solo apartment and seen you through breakups, makeups, and everything in between. Ripped, torn, and tattered, you've always found a home for your blankie and every time you try to part with it, you find a reason to hold on. But why?

Childhood blankets serve as what psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott called "transitional objects," or security objects, says Russell W, Belk, PhD, a York University Distinguished Research Professor whose work involves understanding the meanings of possessions, collecting, and gift-giving. Transitional objects are items to which people form strong attachments to in order to cope with major life changes. They're meant to provide a sense of security.

But what about blankets makes us feel so safe? And why do some people hold onto their childhood blankets long after they've outgrown them? Ahead, experts explain the psychology behind adult blankies and when there's a time to let go.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Russell W. Belk, PhD, is a York University distinguished research professor whose research involves understanding the meanings of possessions, collecting, and gift-giving.

Joann Peck, PhD, MBA, is a professor of marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison whose research focuses on product touch.

The Psychology Behind Childhood Blankets

If you're an adult blankie stan, then you'll be happy to know that this attachment is perfectly normal, per experts. There are a few factors at play when it comes to the connection, from sensory elements to those of emotional security.

Childhood blankets are transitional objects.

For children who are experiencing many things for the first time, transitional objects play a crucial role in providing comfort and stability, as mentioned earlier. Items like blankets and stuffed animals fall into this category and can help children make sense of major life changes. In childhood, for example, they can help ease the transition away from mother (e.g, when she leaves the home or the child goes off to preschool), says Dr. Belk. "Later, the original objects may bring back memories and even continue to provide feelings of comfort and security."

Their touch has soothing effects.

Blankets, in particular, appeal to one of the major senses: touch. Rubbing a blanket involves lateral motion and this sort of stroking can actually calm people down and relieve stress, says Joann Peck, PhD, MBA, a professor of marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison whose research focuses on product touch.

The calming effects of touch have been well-documented. A 2020 study published in the journal "Frontiers in Psychiatry" found that touch can promote a sense of calm and change the way people handle stress, enhancing both mental and physical health. While more research is needed to understand the relationship between touch and material goods, studies show that affectionate touch increases oxytocin levels, a hormone linked to good feelings and social bonding.

Smell can be a powerful connector.

These blankets may also trap nostalgic smells from your childhood, like that of your mother's perfume or the lingering scent of VapoRub from when you were sick, says Dr. Belk. There's a bevy of research linking smell and physical wellbeing. A 2022 study published in "Ambio" found that smells (or even lack thereof) were associated with relaxation, comfort, and rejuvenation. Childhood blankets can hold onto scents and smells that induce a sense of comfort. It can even evoke memories, good or bad.

So, Is Keeping a Childhood Blanket Really Beneficial?

The short answer: Yes. Childhood blankets can provide comfort and calm, much like a weighted blanket, says Dr. Peck. She adds that the soothing effects of touch are similar in both cases: texture provides comfort in childhood blankets, while weight delivers a similar effect in weighted blankets.

How Do You Know When It's Time to Let Go of Your Blankie?

It's really up for you to decide when you no longer need or want the blanket. Childhood blankets are meant to provide comfort, but if they're no longer serving you, it might be time to let go. Dr. Peck notes that major life events — like moving or starting a new chapter — may bring about feelings of outgrowing sentimental items. And that's OK. Listen to what your body needs.

That said, there's no reason to part with your childhood blanket simply for the sake of decluttering. "As long as it gives you benefits, I don't see a big reason to get rid of it," says Dr. Peck.

Keeping a childhood blanket might seem silly to some, but the sense of security and calm it offers — especially during times of stress — might make holding onto it worthwhile.

Kayla Hui (she/her) is a freelance writer, specializing in health, wellness, the outdoors, travel, and food. In her five years of writing experience, she's covered women's health, chronic conditions, health disparities, and wellness trends for Women's Health, Well+Good, Shape, Health, Verywell Health, The Zoe Report, and more.