I Tried Casper's New Wave Hybrid Mattress, and It Honestly Ended a Decade of Back Pain
I have been a restless sleeper my entire life. It's hard for me to wind down from a busy day, and once I finally do, I toss and turn. Pair this with the fact that I often wake up with a sore back, and you could say I need some extra rest. I've had the same mattress for years, and I had been considering getting a new one when my coworker started raving about her hybrid mattress from Casper. She's so passionate about how much she loves it, I knew I had to test one for myself.
I have more energy every day, all because I changed what I'm sleeping on. Oh, and those back aches? They're entirely gone.
I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to try the Casper Wave Ergonomic Mattress ($2,336, originally $2,595) in a queen size, and I swear to you, I feel like an entirely new person. I have more energy every day, all because I changed what I'm sleeping on. Oh, and those back aches? They're entirely gone. I look forward to climbing into bed, and I rarely ever wake up in the middle of the night anymore. It feels like laying on a cloud.
So how does this mattress work? There are supportive gel pods strategically placed under your waist and lower back to prevent sinking and keep your spine aligned. Gel pods provide more support than foam alone, which means less aches and pains while you snooze. There's also softer foam around the shoulders to provide more relief to the upper body. On top of all that, there's three layers of perforated breathable foam to help keep you cool. Air channels allow heat to escape to prevent overheating.
If you're a hot sleeper, get back pain, or just need to upgrade your mattress, I can't stress enough that this is the best addition ever made to my bedroom. It has changed my life (and my mood). Until Dec. 24, the mattress is 10 percent off, so consider investing before then. Keep reading to check out all the sizes.
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Queen
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Queen ($2,336, originally $2,595)
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Twin
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Twin ($1,346, originally $1,495)
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Full
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Full ($2,156, originally $2,395)
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Queen
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in Queen ($2,336, originally $2,595)
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in King
Casper Wave: The Best Ergonomic & Luxury Mattress in King ($2,696, originally $2,995)